Sunday, November 9, 2008

Fears/Hopes? Connected/Separated?

Some hopes: Be able to keep up to date with latest technology gadgets, hope kids use it as a tool rather than a toy, hope that the technology can be used to document and share information about one's language and culture, more rural students will become educated and seek degrees

Fears: Students will use for illegal activity, teachers will become more lazy and glued to their screens rather than walking around the room and assisting students, it will change interpersonal communication.

Anna believed that technology connects us and pointed out our class  as an example. I agree with Anna. We also discussed how it disconnects us. Like for example during teacher collaborating, there are some teachers who can appear like they are separated from the rest of the group when they have a computer in front of them. Its like their not paying attention. I think it's a paradox. We are in a sense connected but it seems that the closer together we are, let's say in a room, the less connected we are personally. The farther the distance, let's say, my dad in Boston and me here in Hooper Bay, the more I see us being connected through such technological aides like Skype and email.


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